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Published: March 8, 2024

March 8, 2024, Friday

CAPELCO Burgos Street Office
The monthly meeting with Acting General Manager Engr. Edgar D. Diaz was held earlier today of which employees that are based in Roxas City were treated to a presentation of the previous monthโ€™s accomplishments and the current monthโ€™s targets. AGM Diaz also shared the ongoing activities of the Technical Services Department to reduce systems loss and to minimize the incidence of recurring power interruption. Other report included the roll-out of online payment to Dao Area Office and the eventual expansion to Mambusao Area Office and President Roxas Area Office. It was also annouced that the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for Panitan substation is about to be completed.
Likewise he reiterated important memoranda and announced important notes on the preparations for the upcoming April 6, 2024 Annual General Membership Assembly Meeting (AGMA). He also reiterated the expectations from supervisors and subordinates in order to make them efficient and effective and enable them to contribute more to the growth of the electric cooperative.
Customary to the meeting is the celebration of the monthโ€™s birthday celebrants. Since the month of March is considered as the National Women’s Month, a special gifts were presented to the women personnel assigned at Roxas City.

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