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Published: May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024, Sunday

Taking time that power is out due to the Preventive Maintenance Servicing of Lawaan Substation, CAPELCOโ€™s construction crew and the maintenance crew conducted parallel activities to make use of the time that power is out.
1. Replacement of crossarm at San Antonio Village, Baybay, Roxas City
2. Installation of intermediate pole for BDO at Plaridel Street, Barangay VIII, Roxas City
3. Pull out idle concrete pole at Mercury Drug, Arnaldo Boulevard, Baybay, Roxas City
4. Replacement of damaged pole and relocation of pole at Sition Ilawod, Dinginan, Roxas City
5. Correction of pole and rehabilitation of metering at Pavia Street, Barangay IX, Roxas City
6. Correction of leaning poles at Sitio Ilawod, Dinginan, Roxas City
7. Libe clearing operation
Working Crews:
BT 6 Team Members: R Dili, R Delfin, JD Dice and R Fuentes
BT7 Team Members: A Dangan, R Daliva, J Penuela, J Degones and PP Fuentes
BT9 Team Members: H Delfin, RV Fadirugao, A Daliva, MA Bolinas and F Distura
BT 10 Team Members: G Condino, C Daliva, NM Distura, M Umiten and A Ordas
BT 11 Team Members: J Saron, R Fabella, JD Batuampo and M Deocampo
ML 1 Team Members: M Bitoon, R Durias, JJ Bereber and E Bithao

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