(0963) 043 8339 info@capelco.com


Published: June 1, 2024

June 1-2, 2024, Saturday and Sunday

The energization of the 15 MVA power transformer at Dao Substation will require a total for 36 hours power service interruptions which shall commence at 5:00 AM of June 1, 2024 and shall end at 5:00 PM of June 2, 2024. The areas that shall be affected are the Municipalities of Dao, Cuartero, Dumarao, Tapaz and Dumalag since these are the areas directly connected with Dao Substation. Other areas such as portion of Panitan and Ivisan and the Municipality of Sigma shall also lose power in a shorter period to facilitate the transfer of connections of these affected areas to its alternative power source.
The procedures will require removing the previously installed 10 MVA power transformer from its platform and to position the new 15 MVA power transformer into its place. The schedule of the execution of the procedure will require scheduled power interruption, as follows:
• 24 hours from 5:00 AM of June 1, 2024 to 5:00 AM of June 2, 2024 for the removal of the 10 MVA power transformer and positioning the new 15 MVA power transformer to its new position. This power interruption will be on a rotational basis with each feeder alternately supplied with power primarily from Panitan Substation and Mambusao Substation.
• 12 hours from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM of June 2, 2023 for the connection, testing and energization of the new 15 MVA new power transformer. This power interruption is continuous for 12 hours and designed to comply all the procedural requirements of its energization especially those prescribed by the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP).
It can be recalled that on August 17, 2023, the 10 MVA power transformer at Dao Substation was struck with lightning and it took almost a week before the 10 MVA power transformer borrowed from ILECO I was installed. Taking lessons from that experience, CAPELCO engineers devised new ways to facilitate the replacement and instead of almost one week, the scheduled was reduced to only 36 hours. However, just like the previous experience, CAPELCO is raising LOW VOLTAGE ALERT in the areas affected because the feeder lines have been extended and line losses are expected. Big load consumers are also requested to forgo their operation during the rotational power interruption to protect their equipment and lessen the impact on the voltage rating of the line.
The activity was also scheduled on a weekend because it is the time that there is a lower demand and so as not to adversely affect government operations holding offices during weekdays.
We understand that the announcement for this replacement is within short notice but this is because it took longer for CAPELCO to secure the GO SIGNAL of NGCP and for its engineers to plan for their parallel activities during the time that power is out.
In a separate post, the details of the rotational power interruption is outlined and it will be strictly observed EXCEPT if there are abnormalities in the distribution line or if the operation will be affected by possible bad weather condition.
We are earnestly requesting the support, cooperation and understanding of our member-consumer-owners in the affected areas and please trust that power will be restored immediately after all works have been completed. These 36 hours that we are asking is just the first step to upgrade our services in your area in the long-term and more sustainable manner.

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