(0963) 043 8339 info@capelco.com


Published: July 2, 2024

June 22-23 and 27-28, 2024, Saturday to Sunday and Thursday to Friday

BT 6 Team Members: R Dili, R Delfin, JD Dice, R Degones and R Fuentes
1. Relocation of pole at Graceville, Barangay Tiza, Roxas City
2. Replacement of rotten pole at Sitio Marubrob, Barangay Parian, Sigma
3. Relocation of Pole at Barangay Tanza, Roxas City
4. Installation of temporary 25 KVA transformer at Sitio Malabago, Barangay Cabugao, Ivisan
5. Replacement of damaged pole at New Road, Barangay Banica, Roxas City
6. Replacement of rotten pole at Barangay Bago, Roxas City

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