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Published: July 4, 2024

July 2, 2024, Bilao, Sapian

Prospective beneficiaries of Socialized Energization of Marginalized Applicants (SEMA) for Electric Services Connection were gathered for the Pre-Membership Orientation Seminar which is a basic requirement for membership. These beneficiaries applied for the loan offered by CAPELCO so that they can have housewiring and be energized as provided under the SEMA Program.
Hon. Raphael Leonor, Punong Barangay of Bilao, Sapian welcomed the participants to the event and expressed his appreciation for CAPELCO for implementing the SEMA Project in their barangay. He also thanked Director Maricar A. Ojera for the support to the initiatives of the barangay and for other assistance she extended.
IDSSD Manager Engr. Jovencio A. Villagracia explained that the project came into being because of the desire of the Board of Director to provide easy access for applicants to have electric service connection. He also explained that the project aimed to provide safe, reliable but affordable electric services but making a convenient payment arrangement for labor and material cost for the housewiring and energization.
Director Maricar A. Ojera in turn, also thanked the barangay for their patience and perseverance to pursue the project even it has taken longer than necessary before its implementation She recalled that the plan was to implement before the barangay elections but the barangay officials decided to forgo the implementation because it may be tainted with politics. She expressed her respect to them because of that. She went on to explain various causes of power interruptions, the campaign against pilferage as well as other programs of CAPELCO implemented by the Management or by the Board of Directors which are required for their Information Education Campaign (IEC).
The orientation on the program was facilitated by MSD Supervisor Mr. Rey T. Cordenillo where the participants were also given time to clarify some concerns. The program was hosted by Barangay Kagawad Homer Olaso and other CAPELCO personnel present were Housewiring Inspector Engr. Christian Leonor and Mr. John Paul Cartujano.

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