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Published: July 24, 2024

July 23, 2024, Monday, OGM Mini Conference Room, Burgos Street, Roxas City

Unique! Kaya yan!
These words best capsulized the experiences involved in the conduct of a two-day performance audit by the personnel from the Commission on Audit (COA) for the Rural Electrification Program (REP) funded by the national government. These words best describe the insights learned in the program implementation and the actual conduct of field interview and validation.
The purpose of the performance audit is to measure how effective the REP implemented by the National Electrification Administration (NEA) through CAPELCO, identify areas for improvement and recommend appropriate measures to further enhance the program implementation. From the insights gathered during the meeting with CAPELCO personnel and the direct testimonies of the beneficiaries, the information shall be used to formulate a framework that can be incorporated in a national policy that shall govern future programs of this nature.
In conclusion, while there were difficulties encountered in the field during the program preparation, planning and execution, the success of implementing the program in Capiz can be attributed to support of the local leaders for the program, CAPELCOโ€™s extensive media network for information dissemination and CAPELCOโ€™s existing program that runs parallel and complimentary to the program.
CAPELCO appreciated the resolve and the determination of COA personnel to tackle rugged terrain and inclement weather to visit the pre-identified sites to complete key informant interview using standardized tools as well as the insights and observation they shared during the wrap-up meeting. The COA personnel in turn appreciated CAPELCO for playing a good host and for the numerous learnings they had in the course of the audit.
COA team is composed by Ms. Ria Mae P. Guttierez, Juvie P. Bautista, Galileo B. Tuangco and Engr. Kevin Sherwin B. Aragon while NEA is represented by Engr. Ryan F. Forro.

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