(0963) 043 8339 info@capelco.com


Published: September 13, 2024

September 12, 2024, Thursday, Timpas, Panitan Capiz

Interested Member-Consumer-Owners (MCOs) and personnel of CAPELCO participated in the Virtual Hearing convened by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) today to tackle the approval of the Joint Application for the Emergency Power Purchase and Sale Agreement (EPPSA). The Notices and other pertinent information about this activity was announced via the CAPELCO Hour radio blocktime program and posted on the provincial, city and municipal bulletin boards in order to inform the MCOs of the ongoing application and in compliance with the procedural requirements.
The approval of EPPSA will increase the amount of contracted energy demand for CAPELCO that is be under a more predictable rate. This will lessen its over-exposure to the fluctuating market price in the Wholesale Energy Sales Market (WESM) which often result to a higher electricity price which increases the monthly billing rate for the generation charges.
CAPELCO hosted the Virtual Hearing at Timpas, Panitan and participated in by interested MCOs, CAPELCO personnel. The purpose of the Virtual Hearing is the determination of compliance with the jurisdictional requirements and expository representation of the applicants. ERC served as the Hearing Officer with Engr. Allan Greg Belo as the Witness to represent CAPELCO. The next Virtual hearing is scheduled on September 19, 2024.

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