Sitio Libuangan, Rosario, Pilar Accomplished: Relocation of service pole Working Team: #TeamRamilDistura BT7 Team Members: R Distura, R Sombilla, J Arroyo, J Doce and R Parohinog

Sitio Libuangan, Rosario, Pilar Accomplished: Relocation of service pole Working Team: #TeamRamilDistura BT7 Team Members: R Distura, R Sombilla, J Arroyo, J Doce and R Parohinog
The District Election Committee (DECOM) headed by its Chairman Charlie D. Begas proclaimed Edmund D. Beluso as the re-elected EC Director for Roxas City South in a simple ceremony held earlier today after the closing of voting in 2 precincts established for the...
District VIII-B (Roxas City South) Ongoing voting at Capiz National High School
The Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) as provided for under Republic Act 11315 is a tool designed to collect, analyze and verify information at the community level in order to prepare plans, budget and implementation strategy to achieve local development. The...
#TeamGeraldCondino BT 8 Team Members: G Condino, C Daliva, NM Distura, M Umiten and A Ordas Accomplished: 1. Assisted during the power interruption with BT5 and BT6 conducted relocation of pole due to road widening at Sitio Kabadiangan, Dinginan, Roxas City to include...
Barangay Bunga, Mambusao Accomplished: Fixing of guy wire Working Team: #TeamMAOMaintenance Team...
#TeamBobongSaron BT 6 Team Members: J Saron, R Fabella, M Batuampo, E Delos Santos, and M Deocampo...
Barangay Timpas, Panitan The recent purchase of two (2) units of brand-new boom trucks is part of...
#TeamKennyCordovero BT2 Team Members: K Cordovero, A Ferrer and R Distura #TeamRamilDistura BT7...
#TeamHonepherDelfin BT9 Team Members: H Delfin, RV Fadirugao, A Daliva, MA Bolinas and F Distura...