#TeamRamilDistura BT7 Team Members: R Distura, R Sombilla, J Arroyo, J Doce and R Parohinog Accomplished: 1. Replacement of 2 units of rotten pole at Barangay Bergante, Mambusao 2. Installation of 25 KVA private transformer at Barangay Daplas,...

#TeamRamilDistura BT7 Team Members: R Distura, R Sombilla, J Arroyo, J Doce and R Parohinog Accomplished: 1. Replacement of 2 units of rotten pole at Barangay Bergante, Mambusao 2. Installation of 25 KVA private transformer at Barangay Daplas,...
#TeamTamtamDangan BT1 Team Members: A Dangan, R Daliva, J Penuela, J Degones and PP Fuentes Accomplished: 1. Replacement of rotten and toppled pole and transfer of kilowatt hour meters at Sitio Tipacla, Barangay Poblacion Ilaya, Maayon 2. Installation of additional...
Areas affected: Barangay Esperanza, Jagnaya, Barrio Fe, Sto. Rosario, San Jose, Lapaz, Caridad, Jamindan and Barangay Libo-o and, Mambusao Purpose: Line maintenance and clearing Accomplished: 1. Relocation of pole and replacement of rotten poles at Barangay Jagnaya,...
#TeamArlanDangan ML 2 Team Members: A Dangan, E Dublado, R Delfin, J Escalada, N Estorque and L Acejo Accomplished: Line clearing from Sitio Pinamantawan, Mianay, Ivisan Mianay, Sigma boundary
Director Mitchelle John B. Patricio of District III (Pilar and President Roxas) and Moises M. Paligumba, Jr of District IX (Cuartero and Dumarao) participated in the ongoing Cooperative Management Course (CMC) at Quezon City from February 8, 2024. The topic covers...
Mangoso BAPA 1, Mangoso, Sigma As part of the continuing education and capacitation of BAPA...
The Department of Energy (DOE), in order to ensure that power is adequate and uninterrupted,...
Timpas, Panitan, Capiz President Roxas Area Office & Panitan Area Office Power Out of All...
Atiplo, Mambusao Working Team: #TeamMAOMaintenance Team Members: J. Lacorte, NJ....
Arnaldo Boulevard, Roxas City In order to restore power at the building owned by Mr. Dante Sigua,...