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Published: July 15, 2024

July 12, 2024. Friday, Barangay Bilao, Sapian

It took long hours of walk before engineering students who are undergoing on-the-job training (OJT) at CAPELCO reached the residences of beneficiaries of Socialized Energization of Marginalized Applicants (SEMA) for electric service connections at Barangay Bilao, Sapian. The students are taking up Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering who volunteered in order to gain actual experience in the field to reinforce their theoretical learnings in school. They were trained and tasked to install housewiring for the SEMA beneficiaries.
The SEMA Project is an opportunity for those who wanted to access electric service connection but could not afford the labor and materials for housewiring installation and cost of energization by allowing them to amortize the cost in a period of 12 months. CAPELCO also ensured that the installation is in conformity to industry standards by designating an electrical engineer to supervise the work.
Bilao, Sapian is part of District IV whose incumbent Director Maricar A. Ojera facilitated the application in partnership with barangay officials. The current project engineer of the Project is Engr. Christian Leonor who also acts as the Housewiring Inspector of CAPELCO.

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