#TeamRobenDaliva Team Member: R.Daliva, R Distura Jr. A. Ferrer, JP Hachuela Accomplished: Continued correction of grounding at Feeder M3 at Barangay Esperanza, Jamindan

#TeamRobenDaliva Team Member: R.Daliva, R Distura Jr. A. Ferrer, JP Hachuela Accomplished: Continued correction of grounding at Feeder M3 at Barangay Esperanza, Jamindan
#TeamHonepherDelfin BT 9 Team Members: H. Delfin, RV Faderugao, J Flores, A Daliva, S Dela Torre and F. Distura Accomplished: Installation of intermediate pole for single phase lines with underbelt,repair of low elevation lines and clearing of lines at Sito Proper,...
#TeamRamilDistura BT 7 Team Members: R Distura, R Sombilla, J Doce, J Arroyo, R Daliva and R. Parohinog Accomplished: Installation of 5 poles at Barangay Esperanza, Jamindan
#TeamTamtamDangan BT 1 Team Members: A Dangan, J Penuela, RM Dela Cruz and PP Fuentes CapSU OJTs Accomplished: Replacement of rotten pole at Barangay San Miguel, Dumalag
#TeamBobongSaron BT 6 Team Members: J Saron, R Fabella, M Batuampo and M Deocampo Accomplished: Relocation/replacement of lines and rehabilitation of kilowatt hour meters at Milibili Urban Poor, Milibili, Roxas City
GAME 2 – Violet vs Orange Winner: VIOLET Click Here for more
GAME 1 – Aqua Blue vs Green Winner: GREEN Click here for more
Engr. Edgar D. Diaz, in his welcome remarks said, “If our partnership is not as strong as it is...
Engr. Edmund D. Beluso, Board of Director for Roxas City South conducted a series of consultation...