#TeamRonaldDili BT5 Team Members: R Dili, R Delfin, N Sibugan, JD Dice, and R Fuentes Accomplished: Installation of intermediate pole and relocation of line at Barangay Dumolog, Roxas City

#TeamRonaldDili BT5 Team Members: R Dili, R Delfin, N Sibugan, JD Dice, and R Fuentes Accomplished: Installation of intermediate pole and relocation of line at Barangay Dumolog, Roxas City
#TeamBobongSaron BT 6 Team Members: J Saron, R Fabella, M Batuampo, E Delos Santos, and M Deocampo Accomplished: 1. Replacement of cross arm at Barangay Bonga to Pawa, Panay 2. Replacement of rotten pole, rehabilitation of line and transfer of metering at Sitio...
#TeamHonepherDelfin BT9 Team Members: H Delfin, RV Fadirugao, A Daliva, MA Bolinas and F Distura Accomplished: Rehabilitation of metering at Barangay San Blas, Pilar
#TeamKennyCordovero BT2 Team Members: K Cordovero, A Ferrer and R Distura #TeamRamilDistura BT7 Team Members: R Distura, R Sombilla, J Arroyo, J Doce and R Parohinog Accomplished: Pull out of idle materials and transfer metering at Barangay Parian,...
A short tribute to NICO O. SIBUGAN – A Lineman, a Hero, a Volunteer, a Warrior of Light. “A true...
In support to the campaign of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for the deadline in the filing...
Tanza Ville, Barangay Tanza, Roxas City CAPELCO, represented by Acting General Manager Edgar D....
#TeamArlanDangan ML 2 Team Members: A Dangan, E Dublado, R Delfin, J Escalada, N Estorque and L...
Liga ng mga Barangay Office, Poblacion, Pilar Director Mitchelle John B. Patricio of District III...