November 7 and 8. 2023, Tuesday and Wednesday #TeamTamtamDangan BT 1 Team Members: A Dangan, J Penuela, RM Dela Cruz and PP Fuentes CapSU OJTs Accomplished: 1. Digging and installation of Pole at Barangay Pantalan Vizcaya, President. Roxas 2. Replacement of toppled...
November 8, 2023, Wednesday #TeamRamilDistura BT 7 Team Members: R Distura, R Sombilla, J Doce, J Arroyo, R Daliva and R. Parohinog Accomplished: 1. Pull out of idle materials at Poblacion Norte, Sigma 2. Replacement of damaged 50 KVA transformer at Sitio Bang-ogay,...
November 7, 2023, Tuesday #TeamHonepherDelfin BT 9 Team Members: H. Delfin, RV Faderugao, J Flores, A Daliva, S Dela Torre and F. Distura CapSU OJTs Accomplished: Rehabilitation of kilowatt hour meters at Barangay Lantangan,...
November 8, 2023, Tuesday #TeamRonaldDili BT5 Team Members: A. Dangan, R. Fuentes, R. Delfin and R. Bautista, #TeamBobongSaron BT 6 Team Members: J Saron, R Fabella, M Batuampo and M Deocampo #TeamGeraldCondino BT 8 Team Members: G Condino, C Daliva, E Dublado, and A...